The teacher student ratio of the School is 1:12.
All the teaching staff is qualified as per CBSE norms.
We aim to ensure that all students achieve examination results which are better, relative to their abilities. We have produced 100% results in the CBSE Board examinations for the past many years with a number of merits and distinctions every year.
Grade Nursery to Grade V | English and Hindi |
Grade VI to Grade VIII | English and any two of Sanskrit & Hindi |
Grade IX & Grade X | English and any one of Sanskrit & Hindi |
Grade XI & Grade XII | English |
No,foreign languages are not taught in the school.
Yes, we do provide extra coaching as per the needs of the child.
The School offers Science (Medical & Non Medical), Commerce with & without Maths and Humanities.
No, we do not provide special coaching for competitive exams. As, these days the competitive exams are based on the CBSE syllabus, so if the child does well in CBSE he/she is also likely to do well in all entrance exams.
No, there are no separate rooms, there are different dormitories accommodating between 12 to 28 children.
There are matrons who look after the small kids and house masters who look after the different dormitories supervised by a Hostel Suprintendent.
We provide only vegetarian food with eggs.
We have Reverse Osmosis (RO) filters for the children.
Yes seasonal fruits are provided regularly and milk twice a day. All meals have green vegetables, pulses and yogurt. Sweet dish is provided daily during dinner.
Special attention is given to such children and a teacher is made responsible to look after the child
There is in house laundry. Children above Class V are encouraged to wash their own undergarments.
The School provides facilities for Cricket, Football, Volley ball, Basket ball, Badminton etc.
Open gymnasium is a unique facility provided by the school. It is scientifically designed to support physical growth of the children. It has less chances of injury and less hazards. Children can use it under able supervision of trained gym trainer.
The following are some of the other activities:
Yes,we have a well equipped computer lab.
Yes, tournaments are held in the School in all disciplines and all the students are encouraged to take part. In addition the School holds inter School tournaments and also sends the children to other Schools to participate.
The Director of the School is a qualified Doctor and looks after the health needs of the children. In addition there is a Medical Centre in the University campus with a resident Doctor and an ambulance.
No. If an international students wants to explore various options to study in India before finalizing one, he/she can choose to apply for a provisional Student Visa of 6 months duration from Indian Mission abroad and after getting the confirmed admission while in India, he/she can then apply for a Student Visa by providing all necessary documentary evidences of confirmed admission, financial standing etc
Yes, provided they have confirmed admission to a course in a reputed/recognized school in India.
The Board intends to conduct extensive teacher empowerment programs for the schools which would adopt CBSE curriculum.
The students would be required to have a minimum of 75% attendance on the total number of working days of the school.
No, we do not waive the application fee for international students except in very rare circumstances.
No, international students cannot study part time.
The children are not allowed to call their parents. On the other hand the parents are allowed to call their children once a week on designated days and timings..
The students are allowed to send emails under supervision and letter writing is compulsory once a fortnight.
The parents are advised to visit their children only on the last saturday of the month after School hours if they so wish. They can take the child out for the night and leave the child back on Sunday evening.
Yes, the children are taken on an educational tour (optional) of 5-7 days every year. In addition they are taken on regular outings to places like Shimla, Kausali etc. A camp is also organised every year
The School has students of various religions like Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs,Budhists and Christians and all the students are encouraged to practise their own religion in their own way.