Why Residential Schools in India are Special?

The concept of boarding schools in India is still at a primitive stage. There are many concepts that has still not been unfolded about what makes a residential school special. In India, the cost is of prime concern and a majority of students from distinguished backgrounds. Apparently, the trend is changing and children from mediocre families are also joining the bandwagon. Boarding schools today, have

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Advantages of Sending Your Child to Boarding School

Is boarding school the right place for your child? If not sure, read this blog. In India, there are many boarding schools for boys and girls that offer both quality learning and beneficial character building training. However, sending to a residential school is not an easy decision. Your children need to adapt to a new environment. Separation from parents, family and friends makes the decision even more

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Effective Tips for students to Improve Concentration While Studying

It’s the thing with almost every second student – I can’t concentrate! As they sit down to study, their mind races from one thing to another and their thoughts get scattered all over the place except studies. So, what one can do in such a scenario? Firstly, we all should know that each one of us has the ability to concentrate and we just need

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Tips to Choose The Best Boarding Schools in Himachal Pradesh

Thinking of enrolling your child into a boarding school in Himachal Pradesh, but worried about selecting one? As choosing a boarding school is a cumbersome process that involves several steps. Fortunately, we are in the Internet age which has made things easier. Now, information about the best boarding schools in India is just a click of the mouse away. So, we guide you through the process and

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Tips to Manage Your Time Wisely As a School Student

Striking the right balance between home, school and student life is the key to being proficient in managing time. This is particularly true for the students leading their lives far away from their families in a boarding school. When you are studying in one of the best residential schools in India, you are required to get accustomed to new routines, school work and homework and

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Tips For Students Adjusting to New Residential School in India

Is your child moving to a residential school? Does he/she have any idea as to how the life would be like in a boarding school? Well, if you go through the following tips for students, their transition would be a lot easier.   Are they building relationships with teachers? A teacher in a boarding school plays multifaceted role such as that of a mentor, coach,

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